Married couple's shoes surrounded by flowers and disco balls

Ever wished you could be in multiple places at once?


Ever wished you could be in multiple places at once? ·

Us too. And believe us when we say –

you'll feel it tenfold on your wedding day.

Why? Because you'll actually want to spend

as much time as possible with your guests.

Because you love 'em.

(Even though great aunt Shirley *can* get

a little rowdy when she's had a few too many....)

After all, when else are you going

to have all your loved ones

in the same place, at the same time?

We're here to make sure you don't

miss out on any of the action.

So even if you don't get a chance to chat

with all of your loved ones at length,

you'll still be able to hear what they have to say.

All their sincere, sentimental

and side-splitting stories

(and perhaps even some secrets).

Captured with style.

Through a series of short-and-sweet interviews,

we invite your guests to spill it all.

From how they met you,

to their favourite things about you.

From their hopes for your future,

to throwbacks from your younger days.

We may even find out something

they've never shared with you before

(don't worry, you'll be hearing all about it soon).

Whether they’re energetic,

eccentric and excitable (like us)

or an eyes-down introvert –

we’ll make sure they feel comfortable

in front of the camera.

And as though that really wasn't so bad, actually.

Like they maybe kinda wanna do it again, even.

A couple cutting a wedding cake
  • We’re not here to replace your videographer – they’ll be the ones capturing every special moment, with a focus on you (the couple). In contrast, we’ll be focusing on your guests, and actively engaging them (rather than filming from afar) – asking questions, sharing laughs and getting the goss. While your videographer will be filming your entire event and putting together a highlight reel at the end, we’ll be handing over a curated collection of clips in the form of a 30 to 40-minute video (depending on guest numbers and participation), made up of the moments you missed while you were off enjoying your love bubble.

  • Absolutely! We’re avid travellers, after all. If your event is more than 45 minutes outside of Melbourne CBD, let us know and we’ll add our travel fee to your initial quote.

  • We understand that not everyone’s a camera-seeking extrovert! We’d recommend letting your guests know in advance that we’ll be attending and explaining what we do – for example, with a line in the invitation – so the concept isn’t a surprise when they arrive.

    This can be something like: “We’re super excited to have locked in a video guest book service for the big day! We’d love for you to take part in a short interview with Mr & Mrs Social, who’ll be asking you some quick questions and putting your answers together in a short film for us to enjoy when the celebrations are over. It’ll be fun, we promise – and as a bonus: you won’t need to think of something to write in an actual guest book!”

    We’ll do our bit to warm up the crowd and encourage your guests to take part, but don’t worry, we won’t be pushy. Generally, we find that after people understand what we’re doing (and see how much fun their friends are having with us), they’ll be curious enough to get involved!

  • Once your quote and event date are all locked in, we’ll send you a questionnaire to complete with all the details we’ll need. Then, we’ll get to preparing for your big day – nothing to worry about on your end – and see you there!

  • Of course! When you enquire, let us know what you’re after and we’ll put together a package tailored to your event. We’ll also send you our standard packages, in case one happens to be your perfect match. If you want to tack on a service down the track, simply let us know – as long as it’s at least 2 weeks prior to your event, and we have the capacity to meet your request, we’d be happy to chat about upgrading your package.

  • When your video guest book is edited and ready to view (approx. 3-4 weeks following your event), we’ll deliver it to you digitally with a link sent to your nominated email address. It’ll be stored securely and password-protected, and you’ll be able to download it to watch again and again – and share it with your VIPs, of course!

Any questions?

Say “ciao!” to pestering people

to sign your guest book

(and the — let’s be honest —

less-than-creative things

they end up writing).

Instead, relive some of the best bits

of your big day on repeat,

with candid-yet-curated

video footage ft. your VIPs.

Not planning a wedding?

Psst… our expertise isn’t limited to celebrating couples. Every party needs its paparazzi - whether it’s a business launch, milestone birthday or corporate event.

Content creation curious?

After vids from your wedding or engagement party that don’t involve guest interviews?

We can hide behind the scenes to capture the raw, real moments that your videographer might miss. Content creation for TikTok and Instagram is our quick-turnaround, socials-specific service that’s even more reliable than your maid of honour (like, next-level reliable).

Digital love letters.

Do words escape you when you put pen to paper? Handwritten letters are lovely – but sometimes it’s easier to share how you feel when you’re being asked the right questions, in real time.

Let us help you craft a personalised digital love letter, interview-style, to be gifted to your soulmate the morning of your special day – and cherished for eternity.