How to get the most out of your wedding video guestbook

Fantastic! You’ve booked your wedding guestbook! Now you’re wondering what to do next? Don’t worry we’ve got you.

First things first

In our opening questionnaire be sure to give us as much info as possible. We especially want to know everything about your love story. How you met, who kissed who first? When did you make it official? The proposal, all of it! Why? So we can understand what makes you as a couple unique.

It’s also handy to let us know who the main squeezes are in your lives (Mum, Dad, VIPs) so we can make sure to they get some camera time.

Preparing your guests

Let your guests know ahead of your big day (perhaps by your wedding website or invitation) that they should get ready to share their love, laughter and maybe a secret or two!

Have your celebrant introduce the video guestbook immediately after the ceremony before cocktail hour commences. Often the first drinks will get your guests talking and is the best time to get some stories before they get too tipsy.

Don’t forget to have your fabulous MC announce where guests can leave their message for you.

Choose a good spot

If you have an outdoor venue, natural light will be the way to go - weather permitting of course!

We want to make sure we aren’t too close to any sound equipment, the DJ or band to get the clearest quality audio as possible.

We will be casually roaming around, catching guests on the fly to keep things natural and spontaneous. But hey, if you’d prefer something more relaxed, some venues might have a cozy spot with a couch where guests can record their messages.

And finally…relax. After the prep work is all done, just enjoy your special day and leave the rest to us.